daily routine

Events, news and opportunities to engage with us


How PTSD Impacts the Daily Lives of Veterans and What Can Be Done to Support Them

Introduction Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a severe mental health condition that many veterans face after experiencing the traumas of combat and military service. The impact of PTSD on veterans’ daily lives is profound, affecting their mental health, relationships, and ability to reintegrate into civilian life. Understanding the challenges veterans face and implementing effective support…

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Discover the Power Within: Transform Your Life with Breathwork and Mindfulness

Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of daily life and the unique challenges of parenting? It’s easy to get lost in the relentless cycle of stress, especially when caring for children with special needs. However, there’s a beacon of hope in the age-old practices of breathwork and mindfulness, beautifully highlighted in a recent…

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Choosing Your Story: The Key to Unlocking Your Full Potential

Every day, we wake up entangled in a narrative web, shaped by our subconscious. This internal dialogue, often unnoticed, holds profound implications for our mental health, influencing our perceptions and actions with beliefs about our capabilities and worth. Yet, many of these narratives, deeply rooted in past experiences and societal norms, can limit our potential,…

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How to Find Clarity in Chaos: Rising to Your Morning Meditation Challenge

In the whirlwind of our daily lives, where each moment feels bombarded by a cacophony of responsibilities, emotions, and external pressures, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. The constant barrage can leave us feeling disoriented, stressed, and far from our true selves. Yet, it is within this very chaos that we have…

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The Morning Routine Myth: Unveiling the Secret Power of Journaling and Presence

In the golden silence of each new dawn, millions undertake what they believe to be the quintessential start to their day – the esteemed “morning routine.” Yet, amid the whirl of green smoothies, silent meditations, and sun salutations, there lies a transformative duo often overlooked: journaling and the art of being present.  Harnessing Mental Clarity…

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Nurturing Your Relationship: How to Support Your Partner

Supporting your partner is a cornerstone of a healthy, loving relationship. It requires empathy, open communication, and a commitment to grow together. Here’s how you can be a pillar of support for your partner: Listen with Empathy Active listening is more than hearing words; it’s about understanding emotions and intentions without judgment. Communicate Openly and…

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The Art of Mindful Leadership: Transforming Workplace Dynamics with Meditation

Introduction: Mindful leadership transcends traditional management styles, integrating mindfulness into the essence of leadership. This transformative approach results in a leadership style that is not only empathetic and present but remarkably effective. It reshapes how leaders engage with their teams and navigate decision making processes. Embracing Meditation for Self Awareness: At the heart of mindful…

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Soul Rising Morning Meditation

It’s back…. Meet me Monday morning as we kick off our week and the beginning of the new year with a powerful breathwork meditation and call to action. Bringing our group together to share space, inspire one another and hold each other accountable has proven to be a great benefit to everyone. In this week’s…

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The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Workplace Relationships

Introduction: Emotional intelligence (EI) plays a crucial role in building and maintaining positive workplace relationships. It influences how individuals perceive and manage emotions, navigate social complexities, and make decisions that achieve positive results.   Building Self-Regulation: Self-regulation is the ability to control impulses, manage emotions, and adapt to changing circumstances. It is essential for maintaining…

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The Psychology of Team Dynamics: Understanding Group Behavior

Introduction: Effective teamwork is essential for the success of any organization, yet it can be complex due to the diverse nature of team members and the dynamics at play. This blog explores the psychology behind team dynamics, shedding light on the factors that influence group behavior and offering insights into how leaders can optimize team…

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