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“What Strategies Help Clients Overcome Mental Barriers to Exercise?”

To help better understand, “What Strategies Help Clients Overcome Mental Barriers to Exercise?” Fitnessinterview.com asked for my opinion, along with many other thought leaders (via Featured). Check out my recommendation here. Enjoy!

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3 Self-Care Tips Every Manager Should Know

As a manager, you’re accustomed to putting the needs of your team members before your own. Check out these self-care tips every manager should know. As a workplace leader, you probably put the needs of others before your own. After all, it’s your job to ensure your team members feel supported. However, an important part…

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Ways To Transform Your Body Without Exercise

There are multiple ways to live a healthy lifestyle without relying on extraneous physical activity. Explore ways to transform your body without exercise. While the value of working out regularly is undeniable, you should also acknowledge that personal circumstances can make it difficult or even impossible to stick to a stringent exercise regimen. For those…

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