stress management

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4 Wellness Gift Ideas for Employees of Small Businesses

Wellness gifts don’t have to be extravagant to improve your staff’s well-being. Explore four wellness gift ideas for small business employees. Giving staff members wellness gifts is an excellent way to show them your appreciation. Show your gratitude for your team with these four wellness gift ideas for employees of small businesses. 1. Unscented or…

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How To Make Work Meetings Less Stressful

Do meetings overwhelm you? Learn how to make work meetings less stressful for yourself. Don’t let anything stop you from having a productive workday. Stress influences your workday in multiple ways. The overwhelming feeling causes fatigue, distractions, and discomfort. Reducing stress allows you to enhance your work performance and productivity. Stress stems from an array…

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The Top Benefits of Natural Light in Office Spaces

Does your office space receive a lot of sunlight? Discover the benefits of natural lighting in offices and learn how it enhances your work performance. Many external factors influence your productivity at work, from sleep deprivation to technological malfunctions. The space you work in also affects your work performance.  Wall colors stimulate different moods. Ergonomic…

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How to handle job burnout

Job burnout happens when you’re no longer motivated by your job. You may feel exhausted and unfulfilled, even if you love what you do. It can be caused by long work hours, a toxic work environment, or a lack of work-life balance. This is one of the most frequent reasons employees quit their jobs. According…

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Essential Stress Management Tips for Business Owners

Follow these essential stress management tips for business owners if you want to run everything with more organization and less chaos every day. Encouraging stress management across their workforce is critical for business owners. That said, you can’t successfully imbue good stress management into your workforce if you can’t manage it yourself. If you don’t…

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This technique saved my Relationship

It’s best to keep it simple! When I’m helping someone to improve their performance or we’re working on making shifts in mindset, I find it’s best to use simple strategies that produce dynamic results quickly. One of the biggest struggles I see that most people face daily is getting caught up in emotional thinking.  I like…

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