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To Clone or not to clone?

So want do you think about cloning? Science has successfully cloned a goat  and now a monkey  – Do you think biology works the same this way? What are your thoughts on how consciousness or your soul might differ? Add your comments below

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Were You Misdiagnosed?

Let me start by saying “you are better than you think!” It’s always good to keep a positive attitude especially when you are dealing with stress or trying to overcome or remove a problem.  And I think by now we all know that obsessing on a problem doesn’t help to solve it.  But there’s another issue that’s…

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Elon Musk and Albert Einstein’s tips for learning faster!

I found this great article yesterday about behaviors that help you learn faster.  It immediately grabbed my attention when I saw the names Elon Musk, Albert Einstein and Richard Feynman.  These are three of the greatest minds and innovators of our time.  So I gave it a read!  And I was very happy to discover that this trifecta of geniuses were…

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The True Cost of Disorganized Labor

The True Cost of Disorganized Labor  Over the years, quite a few studies have asked professionals if they consider themselves to be disorganized at work. Most respondents say yes. For instance, OfficeMax, the business supply company, released the results of a survey on this topic in 2011. Its researchers reported that 77 percent of Americans believe they’re…

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Just Keep Swimming, Swimming, Swimming…

If you’re a human, there’s a chance that you’ve set a goal at some point. You’ve also probably realized how hard it is to reach the goals that you set. If that’s the case for you, fear not: you’re not alone. In fact, a recent study showed that 92 percent of people don’t reach their goals. However,…

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Delete the Internet? Here’s what Aziz Ansari says…

#Goodread You should stop and read this article today. You’re brain will thank you & your stress levels. It’s true, for most of us, we use social media to feel like we aren’t missing out or to stay current on what’s happening and trends, but if you step back for a moment and look at…

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The True Cost of Dis-organized labor

The True Cost of Disorganized Labor Over the years, quite a few studies have asked professionals if they consider themselves to be disorganized at work. Most respondents say yes. For instance, OfficeMax, the business supply company, released the results of a survey on this topic in 2011. Its researchers reported that 77 percent of Americans believe they’re…

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The Help You Need!

  It doesn’t matter whether you are suffering from anxiety or fighting a lack of motivation. The best thing you can do to help yourself is to get up and take action. We have a saying in NLP that “Motion Creates Emotion” so if you want to change the way you feel, you have to…

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Are You Asking Yourself the Right Questions?

Over the past twenty years I have noticed that most people don’t ask themselves the right questions either out of fear or due to believing they wouldn’t know where to start or how to figure them out when they discover them. Unfortunately the results will be the same! If you don’t ask the right questions…

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Are You Successful?

 Unfortunately, most of us spend our days stressed out and working hard just to keep up OR we micro manage ourselves to strictly that we don’t recognize when we have actually grown or accomplished a new level of success with an area of our lives. So today, I challenge you to do two things: 1….

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